May 4th, 2020: Belonging & Connection

Zoom has become a household name for many businesses and families in recent weeks. Now the verb "to zoom" has taken a totally different meaning. It tells us that the need for human connection is essential to our well-being and our sense of belonging to a larger community and family.
In Maslow's analysis of human needs, belonging comes right after safety. We are created for relationships. Each of us will form our sense of community and loves to belong to one. Some of us love to have many relationships and others just need a couple.
Our sense of belonging also grants us our own identity. That is why cultural formation is important to us. Different cultural celebrations are cherished among people around the world. Diet, spices, and food play a significant part in our well being. I was with my son a few years ago and he has his own "cultural group" who had their preference. At the time they were really into canapes so going out for that is excited for them.
Some people would say that our health, happiness, and motivation also depend on our sense of belonging. After all, the worst suffering that human beings have to endure is "loneliness" because it works against our fundamental needs. I used to work with high school kids on how to create a positive sense of peer pressure among themselves so that they can be well, confident, and excel. That works by the way.
Personally, for me, worship is not a religious activity but a celebration of belonging. Belong to God and his plan for the world. It is intuitive. It is also being in God's image. That might be why the most common temptation we hear in our head is that God doesn't really care for us anymore.
Romans 14:8
"for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s."