
Showing posts from November, 2021

Nov 30th, 2021: Appreciating One Another

  I was talking to a business owner who runs a trucking business last week. Their business is good, but it is hard to attract young people to work in that business. Maybe it is hard on family life for truckers. Sometimes, it has an unfair reputation. Regardless of what we think, trucking is one of the backbones of our economy. Until we can find a more effective ways to transport goods, we depend on these men and women for our well-being. It was hard for them to find a rest stop when the pandemic began in March 2020. We should show more appreciation for these folks. We fail to appreciate people who work hard for our comfort because we take it for granted. That is the beginning of ungraciousness. It happens at all levels of human interaction and relationships. When we think that it is our God-given right to be comfortable, we also fail to appreciate how God has taken care of us through others. We are not aware of the sacrifices and challenges many have to experience in order

Nov 29th, 2021: Being Positive

  I want to be optimistic about the future. I am tired of people who constantly talk about how horrible things are in Canada while showing no appreciation for the benefits they have received from this country. It is not healthy for us to be so self-absorbed by our own struggles and fail to see the goodness of God. We might want to gather around men and women who have constructive visions for life and its meaning. It might be helpful for us to plan with the conviction that God is with us. To be positive means that we do not need to listen to the voice of heartlessness. We continue to look for new answers while facing challenges. We know that God has given us creative and innovative minds to overcome difficulties. God continues His work with us and among us through our creativity and innovation. We know that nothing is new to God, only to us. We need to be faithful to what God has given and revealed to us. Learning to pray for what we don't know is the next step. Being po

Nov 28th, 2021: Starting with Why...Why Are We Here?

Kids start asking "why" when they begin to have the awareness that they are human. They don't just do things because mom and dad tell them so. That is the beginning of our human journey to discover the meaning of life. Simon Sinek's famous TED talk has a similar theme: Start With Why. It is about digging deeper into the reasons behind our actions. One of the most common questions people ask is Why Are We Here? It is philosophical and theological in many aspects. We don't ask these questions if our lives have no intrinsic values and worth. The conversation about the meaning of life will be short if we believe that we are just some cosmic accidents. It is God's desire and intent that we are here. (Rev 4: 11) God wants us to discover who we are as we learn to know Him in this life. It is more than just a religious exercise that somehow provides us a pathway to the afterlife. It is a relationship that we are supposed to have with the Creator in order t

Nov 27th, 2021: How to Help?

  It went for a walk after learning about the death of a father due to a motor vehicle accident. He had a young family. I don't know the family, but my heart still aches for his wife and children. There are many challenges they have to face because they are new in this country. They ought to be in shock and overwhelmed. How do we help people during such a time? We have to be practical: They need help to take care of things. They don't have the emotional energy to answer all of the questions. They need definite answers to some of their questions. The more practical we are, the better we can help them. We should be understanding: They don't always make sense in how they talk. Their thoughts are unclear. Their emotions are like floodwater. They might appear to be frustrated at times. We need to be patient and understanding. We should learn how to be available: They might find comfort knowing that some people can be there for them. We don't need to say very much

Nov 26th, 2021: Walk the Talk

David Suzuki's warning of blowing up pipelines if leaders don't act on climate change is rather disappointing. It is another chapter of celebrated hypocrisy. I can appreciate his conviction on climate change. I don't think inciting violence is the way to move forward in the very discussion. Dr. Suzuki has lowered himself to the level of any street thug to settle disagreements or differences. Maybe he needs to take a more drastic step towards a simple life before calling for pipeline bombing. It is somewhat perplexing to call for action on climate change when his own personal approach to life doesn't really match it. You might want to do your research about how Dr. Suzuki has contributed a larger carbon footprint than an average Canadian. It is everyone's responsibility to use our natural resources carefully. It is appropriate for us to be thoughtful about our way of life and its carbon footprints. Being wasteful is not godly. Being hypocritical is distas

Nov 25th, 2021: Meditation as Being Delighted in God's Presence

I have had more conversations with people in recent months about their personal discoveries of meditation. Many have been going through personal struggles and pains in dealing with sickness, death, relationships, and more. There are a few common themes in these conversations. We need to walk away from our yearning for others' approval and acknowledgment. Some have suffered from emotional rejection, and they learn that drawing themselves closer to God in meditation is a good answer for that need. We need to learn the art of contentment. Not being good enough is always part of human existence. There is always something we can do better. In meditation, we will allow ourselves to be free. Meditation helps us focus on the promise of God's grace so we can face the lack of graciousness in the world. We need to learn how to let go of the need to be in control or have control. Meditation helps us be in the moment with God, so we don't have to experience life without Him.

Nov 24th, 2021: Carry Each Orher's Burden

When things are not going well, we face the truth of how intertwined our lives are with one another. The weather havoc in BC this past week is now having a tremendous impact on entire Western Canada. We cannot receive goods via BC, and we cannot move anything to the rest of the world either. Maybe it takes horrid weather conditions to unite our nation. The pandemic has divided us more than anything before. It might not be a bad idea to help one another even though we disagree. The problems we have in BC will require help from the rest of Canada. Maybe we are reminded one more time that we are not in control. It takes no time for everything we possess to disappear. Many homeowners and business operators in BC discovered that harsh reality this past week. We tend to blame God for it. Where is God then when everything is good? Maybe we need to learn how to live one day at a time and trust in God's goodness. We need to be aware of the fact that sin happens so does "sh_t". We

Nob 23rd, 2021: The Real Pandemic?

  As people slowly get back to work, we begin to hear about threats of labor unrest. Many unions start talking about going on strike. We hardly have enough time to take a breath. Various public sectors want to have their collective agreements renegotiated. They want their governments to increase funding for their work. Before we go any further, let us have a look at this picture. Governments don't make money. Whenever we ask for more money from our governments, we steal from each other's pockets literally. Governments also need to get their priorities straight and don't just give in to special interest groups. The ones who yell the loudest should not always get the attention. Governments should listen to a more comprehensive range of voices and opinions when setting up their priorities. Life is getting to be more expensive very quickly for many people. It is not healthy for some of us to demand more when many others struggle to make their ends meet. We should not take advan

Nov 22nd, 2021: More on Humility

  Sometimes we meet people who are full of themselves, and they turn us off. We might be more attracted to those who are unassuming despite their accomplishments. Humility is incredibly transforming, and not many leaders know how to do it well. "Humility is not about thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less" (Rick Warren) This quote is one of my favorite from Rick Warren. So if we don't think of ourselves often, we need to think about others more often. What does that mean? When we take ourselves away from the center of attention, we are able to walk with others towards God. It is about walking with people through various circumstances of life without judgment and conditions. When God is at the center of what we are about, we don't get offended quickly. We become more patient and understanding while waiting for people to discover what God is doing in their lives on their own. It is the freedom to embrace the journey without having to agree on the

Nov 21st, 2021: Fake-ness and Its Consequences

  It was a known fact that Robin Williams struggled with depression because he admitted to it. Even his courageous acknowledgement did not help him in the end. We all know that saying "fake it until we make it". It is not a healthy approach, and yet many people have adopted it as their coping mechanism. Fake-ness is a critical source of stress. People pretend that marriage is ok. We learn to save because of pride. We don't have the freedom to admit that things are not going well in life. We masquerade our pains with addictions and other unhealthy behaviours. Fake-ness kills authenticity and meaningful relationships. It provides us no safe passage to travel toward the future together. We end up experiencing an incredible emptiness. Fake-ness is the domain of nothingness at the end. Fake-ness is expected somehow in our society. It is an expectation that leads us to both deep resentment and depression. Somehow we are not allowed to be in touch with our true feeling. Fake-nes

Nov 20th, 2021: Praying for Those Who Protect Us

  I have decided to ask police officers I know to send their prayer requests my way since summer 2020. Many of them have to deal with threats, criticism, and condemnation because of the job. No one would be comfortable with the idea of becoming a target as soon as they put on their uniform. Many prayers have arrived for the protection and the recovery of officers who got hurt while on duty. Some have been about comfort for those who lost their lives in the line of duty. So what have I learned as I pray for these folks and their families? Don't look down at those who are willing to protect us with their lives. It is unjust and ungracious. It is a good idea to say thanks to an officer the next time you see one. Don't pretend that we will never need help to get out of a dangerous situation. Bad things can happen at the moment we least expected. Remember that these officers' job is to run toward danger and not away from it. Don't assume that police uniform stand

Nov 19th, 2021: Life with Its Skepticism and Hope

  I had a rather interesting Uber drive to the airport in Montreal. The driver was from a North African country. He was ready to talk as soon as I got into the car: his views on politics, COVID 19, marriages, and more. He kept apologizing for it at the same time. He was a frustrated fellow with some deep resentment about life. Life can be full of anger if we believe that everyone we meet is about to cheat us. Life can be full of skepticism when we allow ourselves to be deceived by false promises of the world. It is full of bewilderment because of our lack of certainty. Life is not fair because of our human brokenness. We might end up living life with envy and jealousy if we continue to compare ourselves to others. We struggle with the lack of hope because we fail to appreciate what we have. Life is a gift from God only if we are able to appreciate it with the desire to serve others. When we are free to look beyond ourselves, we will see the greater meaning of life. It is n

Aug 18th, 2021: Absence of Wisdom and Grace

Some Quebecers were not happy when they learned the new CEO of our national airline proudly proclaimed that he doesn't speak French well even though he has lived in Quebec for many years. It was rather unwise for him to say it the way he did even though he was honest about his inability to speak French. It was an intriguing selection considering that my daughter had to do a French proficiency test when she applied to work for the Government of Canada. Some wisdom is missing here. Some people would argue that it does not matter whether he can speak French or not, as long as he can run a good airline and make it profitable. I guess it depends on how the Board of Directors defines the best person for the job. It is not his fault that he got hired. He might be the right selection. However, his failure to recognize that his inability to speak French can be a public relations problem is perplexing. Others would say that we are now witnessing hypocrisy at work. While we talk about accepti

Aug 17th, 2021: Aging Graciously

  Banana is one of the most cherished fruit in Asia. Vietnamese use it in many of our deserts. This picture tells us that there are many stages in its existence. I was told recently by my family doctor that one banana a day is helpful for potassium levels. He is an Asian, goes figure. Aging is the reality of human life. We might want to fight against it and slow it down. But it will arrive. An old banana does not look all that attractive, but it does not mean it has no use. Banana bread is a prime example of that. We might get old, but it does not mean that we have to stop making a difference in the lives of others. The disconnection between old folks and younger people has been a tremendous loss of wisdom. Generations can learn and share from one another, and yet it does not happen. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to be aware that I am only two years away from  "retirement" . It is such an artificial time frame that has been set for us to remove ourselves from t

Nov 16th, 2021: Table Fellowship

  My brothers and sisters do like good food when we come together. This past weekend we had three different meals from three different cuisines: Vietnamese, Malaysian, and Greek. My youngest sister was in charge of these gatherings. It had been a long time since we were able to be together last. Sharing a meal always is an affirmation that we belong to one another. It is about being one, being there for each other, and being part of something bigger than we are. It is the place of being connected. It is a good reminder of God's presence with us. Sharing a meal is the time to gather, so we can share our thoughts and think about our plans for the future. We can talk about things we learn on our own and through others. After all, the Bible tells us to reason with one another. It is a time for God to expand our horizons in the context of our understanding of who He is. We learn to appreciate compassion and forgiveness during such a time. Sharing a meal is also a time for us to relax, r

Nov 15th, 2021: Transformation and Renewal of Our Minds

This verse is one that I have been meditating on during the last few weeks. There is so much noise and conflicting information these days. We can be overwhelmed if we pay too much attention to everything that is happening out there. What would be the right way of living at this time? What is conformity to this world? It has to deal with the power that takes us away from God. It has to deal with lies, deceit, and conceit. It is a world that cries for power and lives in fear at the same time. It has no interest in the eternal. It absorbs itself with the interest of the here and now. What is the transformation and renewal of our minds? It is a mind that acknowledges the grace of God and learns how to live that out. It is no longer preoccupied with the entanglement of this world. It is heavenly-minded while being aware of its responsibility in this world. It has an incredible fascination when it comes to believing what God can do. Going about God's will has to deal with acknowledging t

Nov 14th: The Northern Light

  This one is one of the many images of the Northern Lights we saw in some parts of Canada during the last few weeks. Northern Light is an astronomical phenomenon. It appears like light colorful curtains in the sky. I first saw its speechless beauty for the first tiwhen I was in Whitehorse a few years back. It was about two in the morning. For me, it was more than just a scientific manifestation of lights. It was poetic in many ways. The constant change of colors moving across the sky captured my imagination of the voices behind it. I felt as if it invited me into a conversation about gracious movements in life. Nothing is outrageous, but everything is lavish. It feels as if someone behind the light curtain maneuvers the gentle changes of colors. My mind was mesmerized by its constant change of colors and with the melody of "Great is Thy Faithfulness". It is one of my favorite hymns. God is faithful while we go through many life changes and we do not deserve to be in the pres

Nov 13th, 2021: A Moment to Give Thanks

  It was a year ago I went to Montreal to be at my father's funeral. Not too many of us could come because of the limited number of funeral services last year. Today most of us can gather at his graveside for the first time. It is appropriate and fitting because the first anniversary of our parents' passing is important culturally. Our father is not a complicated man, and he died the same way he lived. Simplicity and commitment were two of his known trademarks. He was also respectful to our mother and learned to appreciate his wife's strengths and gifts. He was quiet and yet persistent in what he believed was right. It is good to gather together and to give thanks. No one is perfect. We celebrate our father's life because of his many contributions to society and our lives. We have learned those lessons from him. Our children generations will face many different challenges. We pray that they will embrace his examples as they prepare to make their marks in this world. It

Nov 12th, 2021: The New Normal?

We started hearing the phrase "the new normal" since the beginning of this pandemic as things started shutting down. We heard it on TV. We read about it on social media. Somehow it becomes a catchphrase in many circles. Personally, I never really like it. We used that phrase as if it was a tranquilizer because we knew that many people were struggling with the abnormality of life. Families could not be together; grandparents long to see their grand kids; lovers cannot travel to see each other. We wanted to find ways to minimize emotional pains. We called it a new normal. New things should bring about creativity and vision. There was plenty of boredom in isolation defined by this new normal. Nothing was that new. It is baffling how we can use languages to deceive ourselves. When things are imposed on us, we should not consider it normalcy. It might be a new reality but not normalcy. Many of us are now wondering about what will be the next new normalcy. We are not looking forwar

Nov 11th, 2021: Remembrance Day (Memorial Day)

  Today is the day to remember those who paid the highest sacrifice for the service of our country. We need to remind ourselves we enjoy the many benefits that have been paid for by many men and women in the Arm Forces. It is not about glorifying war and the suffering of war. It is about having a proper understanding of what war can do and its cost. We need to be more intentional about events like this one because we live in a time when many people want to rewrite history to fit their narratives. We need to embrace our history and know that it can be painful and ugly at times. Learning to remember can be one of the best ways to attain wisdom. We do not remember the many past events so that we can remain there. Sometimes it is more problematic to move forward to the future if we do not have a sincere appreciation for the past. Remembrance Day gives us a chance to ponder on our solemn understanding of war and how we can avoid it in the future. "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Le

Nov 10th, 2021: We Shall Walk and Not Faint

  Emotional burnout is one of the outcomes of shut down due to Covid-19. It has impacted a wide range of our population. More and more health care professionals are talking about its seriousness among adults and children alike.  Many people have mentioned to me recently that they have a hard time remaining focused. Some can't remember things. Making decisions is not simple for others. All of these are signs of either emotional fatigue or burnout. Anxiety is also another common symptom. Combining that with the excessive amount of info on social media, we are dealing with a very anxious population. People withdraw from life and relationships. They don't have much patience for anything and are lashing out at one another over trivial things. Some get overwhelmed by what they need to do even though there is not much to do these days. Life seems to have a different flavor, and the spice of irritability is dominant. Procrastination is its after-dinner drink. God created us as relation

Nov 9th, 2021: Dealing with Negativity

Have you ever had to deal with someone who is utterly negative about life? Nothing comes out of his (her) mouth that can give you some sense of comfort and excitement. Some people are like that. They are perfect in their own misery. How can our negativity impact us? We minimize our contribution to society. We might be gifted, but no one would follow us because of our negativity. People don't see any hopeful reason to do so. Negativity slowly narrows down our influence in the lives of others. Our presence causes anxiety in others. A negative person can kill creativity and imagination because of anxiousness. Negativity then leads us to a life of mediocrity because we don't think we can overcome challenges. We resign to the fact that we are the author of our unfulfilled future. Negativity can cause emotional breakdown and physical stress. When we see no hope for the future, we become more aware of the meaninglessness of the presence. Communication is one of the first casualties.