July 26th, 2020: Being Burned Out

 3 Physical Signs You Might Be Burned Out

Being Burned Out is more common than people think sometimes. It is no longer just about men either. I have met people from all walks of life who are feeling burned out. There are many contributing factors to that. Some are personal, and some are professional. Some are emotional, and some are spiritual. Personally, I don't think that it is in God's desire for us to have such an experience.

We take ourselves too seriously. There is a difference between being committed to what we do and taking ourselves too seriously. Sometimes we fail to understand that the more we are committed to what we believe in, the less we should become. When we put ourselves in the centre of that commitment, we are undermining its meaning and value. I have seen pastors who see more of themselves than God in their ministry and the outcome of that is not pretty. We witness both spiritual and emotional burnout.

We don't take time to sit back and to regain perspective. Sometimes, we need to have the freedom to remove ourselves from the centre of attention so that we can see things with a different understanding. If we don't do that, we eventually will see less and less effective in what we do. That will breed frustration and depression. Removing ourselves is indeed an act of courage and humility.

When we allow other voices to have more say than the voice of God. We want to do well in our field of work. We want to be the best. All of that is not wrong by itself. However, when we allow ourselves to believe that other people don't matter in our search for excellence, we are listening to the wrong voice. It is the voice that leads us to further destruction and alienation. I have met with many successful businesswomen and businessmen whose kids would not want to acknowledge them.

We need to be aware of the need for popularity and acceptance. We want to see things clearly but we see nothing but the shadow of our broken and insecure self.

Psalm 111: 10
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever."

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