Aug 11th, 2020: Where Are The Shepherds?


The hill shepherd: 'I'm not sure where the shepherds of the future ...
My son and his wife just got a puppy a few months ago. We have to be honest that we fall in love with that dog faster than we thought. He has a peaceful temperament and enjoys seeing us whenever we come over. It didn't take long for us to consider him as a member of the family. How do I know that? Well, his name always comes up whenever we are shopping. It has been good therapy for all of us while dealing with all of Covid-19 unknowns and tensions.

The latest news we have for Calgary is our employment rate hit 15.5% as the highest for urban centers of its size in Canada. My work has been busy because people don't see people like me that often when things are good. Many people are anxious, and some are getting more and more depressed. We don't have political leaders who are having the gift of being good shepherds, so the flock is pretty much scattered.

Sheep of a scattered flock exposed to many predators and the shepherd is not there to protect and to warn them. They will live under a constant threat of being attacked and EEkilled. What happens in Beirut after the explosion is a prime example of that. The nation didn't have meaningful leadership, and now they can hardly provide any direction and comfort to the people of Lebanon. People say that they welcome help from other countries, but please bypass the government because of corruption. The void of affective and caring leadership will kill more people than the explosion itself.

Now let us move closer to home. Somehow the concerns of our frontline healthcare workers have not been taken seriously in many cities and states in the US. They keep warning us is about their inability to provide proper care to everyone who is sick, Covid-19, and all. The most meaningful way to appreciate these folks is working together to bring the numbers related to Covid-19 under control. I have heard people who talk about conspiracy stuff, and I understand where they're coming from in terms of their perspectives. However, we need to listen to those who have been paying the price while doing their jobs of caring for the sick. We have not seen the real cost of Covid-19 yet. The death of hope,  trust, and human decency are all the casualties of this crisis if we don't choose to deal with it with some personal sacrifices. 

So how between my son having a puppy and the world current crisis are related? There is comfort and rest when we know where to stand in relationships and how we stand together in facing a common threat. The puppy, Reggie, in his peculiar presence,  provides some playful and stress-free breaks for my son and his wife. My son works in a very turbulent industry during a very testing time. He is able to work well under stress and he is one of the calmest accountants in that industry that I know. We will be a lot better off if we can acknowledge that we all fall short where God intends for us and be thankful for one another. Let us be gracious to each other in the lack of knowledge and committed to one another in the absence of resources. Be thankful that we have decent healthcare and don't abuse it by not taking care of what is needed.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  (Ephesians 4:2)

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