Aug 9th, 2020: Practicing Deceit

friend sent me a link about a new band, Switchfoot, and the new song
"Selling the News" It is a powerful song and a very observing one. Here
is the link for it if you are interested in listening and studying the
This message is to share my thoughts over some of the points the lyrics have pointed out to me.
" Opinions are easier to swallow than facts":
is not hard to share one's opinions these days, and I am fully aware
that I am doing that as well. So for us to share our ideas and thoughts
with some integrity, we need to study the facts. As a pastor, I need to
be aware of how God is dealing with the conditions of our broken hearts.
We also need to double-check our motives. I am referring to our attempt
to have some reflection on what is going in the world. As we look at
what is going on today, fact swallowing is becoming more common. We hear
more commentary on the news than the news itself.
"Substance has been replaced by the master of spin":
have been waiting for weeks now to know the truth about a serious
corruption scandal that involves our Prime Minister and our Minister of
Finance. The only things we have heard from these two gentlemen are
talking points. They try to spin the conversation by political spins
while avoiding the truth. It is disheartening as we witness their
outrageous contempt to the people of Canada. When political leaders
consider themselves above the law that they have taken the oath to
uphold, we are heading to dangerous territory.
" Suspicion is the new religion":
happens to Faith? What happens to trust? We pay more attention to what
is floating on the internet than what is nagging our hearts. Faith is no
longer common. We have become more fearful as we pay too much attention
to the "news" of the day. We begin to suspect everything, including our
life history. Some want to rewrite the script of what already happened.
Lies and suspicion tend to go together. The new religion today is about
"Cancelling Culture", "Cancelling History", and eventually will attempt
to carry out "Cancelling God".
Psalm 101: 7
"No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence."