Oct 31st, 2020: Different Spirits of the World
I have decided to use this picture as the basis for my blog today. Some might say what it has nothing to do with Halloween? Well, it might not have anything to do with it, or it might address something about the spirit of this world.
Some people are falling apart, and I can testify to that via what I have heard and witnessed in my daily activities as a corporate chaplain. Covid-19 has not helped that situation very much. I don't think that it is the root of the spirit of indifference that we have seen in our society. It might just underline it somehow.
We live in a time when the spirit of fear has dominated the news. Some people would see nothing wrong in demonizing other people out of fear or out of hatred. The costume we wear to disguise this spirit has the image of sexual freedom and racial equality. Honestly, we have seen more hate and more inequality. We see more name callings than ever before. We see more condemnation toward people who happen to stand for their moral convictions. We end up failing to have a meaningful conversation with one another when we disagree.
We live in a time when the spirit of distrust is pervasive. People, in general, don't trust the government or any form of authority. We are cynical toward whoever claims that they tell the truth about anything. Our media people have become so divided that watching the news these days is like watching kids fight in a school playground. The lack of trust has created a deep social decay in our society, and that might be one of the reasons why we are not fighting this pandemic very well.
We live in a time when the spirit of hopelessness is prevalent in the face of many young people today. Many of them, who graduate from university in 2020 and 2021, might be seen as the generation of "Employment Disappearing". The opportunity to have meaningful employment has become a great distance to overcome. Many are living with the thought of what life has become for them.
Now we might understand why so many people might fall apart, and we are not even aware of it. Maybe it is time to take our "masks" off and open our hearts to receive one another more freely. Don't be afraid to talk to one another. Don't be too quick to make a judgment on others because they are different. Don't hide behind our victim mentality to claim our privileges while losing our true freedom and self-worth. And yes, if you happen to wait in line for a coffee, buy one for a stranger and wish them a blessed day.
We are not just fighting COVID-19 at this point. We are fighting against the spirits of the world.
1 Peter 5: 8
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."