Nov 16th, 2020: Endurance and Kindness

 man jumping cliff

We are right at the high point of the second wave of the pandemic. The numbers of infections are higher across North America. It is not easy to know where things are heading as various levels of government are trying to decide what to do. More and more people I know have got infected and sick. It is a stressful time for many small business folks. Some are trying very not to lay people off, but it is not an easy thing to do.

a) Endurance is the key at this point. We are getting tired of dealing with all of the new restrictions and protocols. We are also tired of not being able to see people, to travel, and to do what we want to do. It is very trying for some people because of their needs and personality. We are fed up with everything and become careless.

b) Kindness is what we need to embrace. There is no need to be angry and frustrated. It doesn't help us to see things any more clearly. Let us aim to slow down and be kind to one another. There is enough unkindness in the world these days, so we need to be more intentional about changing it. Let us also be generous in our kindness as more and more have lost so much.

c) Be aware of what we communicate. Many years ago, some people thought that the internet would help us to reach out to one another faster and more easily. People in the world would understand and embrace one another more openly. That is the hope that has not materialized. The opposite of that is true. Social media platforms have been the sources of much strife and division in the world. Sin never changes with the development of science and technology. Let us be kind and truthful in dealing with those who are struggling and going through hardship in life.

"I can do all this through Him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4: 13
"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." - Romans 5: 3-4

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