Nov 8th, 2020: Pride, Consistency and Accountability

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I was walking by a city job site last week. It was a natural gas line upgrading in an old neighborhood. There was a lot of digging noise from different pieces of equipment. I overheard a worker talking to another one: "I know that I will need to something, and I have no idea how to begin." I was with a colleague, and we both looked at each other to make sure that was what we just heard. Well, we decided not to hang around too much longer after that.

Another conversation I overheard was in a rather fancy restaurant in Banff. I was interviewing with a client. A customer at a table not too far away from us was complaining about some hair in her salad. Here was the server said to her: "Oh, that happens quite often. It is hard to avoid that." That was not great news while dealing with Covid-19. My client and I looked at each other and quietly made sure no hair on our plates.

I have been thinking about these conversations a lot. I know that many of us have gone through a lot of stress lately. However, they presented some concerns. What happens to us?

Do we take pride in what we do any more? Without pride, work is simply slavery. When we have pride in what we do, we have the understanding that we make a difference in some people's life. That gives us pleasure and creativity. When we have no pride, the opposite is also true. There is no pleasure in work, and it is just a humdrum.

Do we understand that there are consequences in how we go about our work and responsibilities? Being indifferent about them will bring more damage to our community. When we fail to acknowledge them, we will not grow and become better because there is no accountability.

Do we realize that there are always people who are listening to us and watching us? Nowadays, that is true more than ever. Our consistency will play a crucial role in how we become men and women of influence. It also provides comfort and security to the people we serve.

Taking pride in who we are in God and in what we do in His name is essential in our personal growth in our relationship with God. Having accountability and consistency in how we live our life is the sign of the depth of our walk with God.

Ephesians 2: 10

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

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