Jan 27th, 2021: Life is a Series of Choices

 Life is a series of choices. | Quotelia

Have you ever been asked to come to someone's house and help them to clean up their dwelling because they need the help? What would we do when we enter the place and find out the person suffers from an addiction. He cannot help himself with simple tasks of healthy living. Frankly, it can be filthy, unkempt, and unfit for the kids if he has any. What would be our right response? Say nothing at all because we are concerned about offending that person?

Have you ever talked to a young person only to discover that suicide is not an exception in her life? It is in her family history, not just in one generation, but many generations before hers. Have you ever known someone who has no hope and sees no future for herself? Life is one complete journey into darkness. Have you seen a young person wasting her talents because she has been listening to lies about herself? Many people live like that and believe that God made a mistake in creating them. What would be our right response? Is it helpful to introduce the notion of God into the conversation, or should that be viewed as being self-righteous?

Covid-19, in some ways, has opened many windows for us to rediscover who we are in life. It has also forced some of us to rethink our life priorities. We might resent the fact that we have no freedom to do things and to go places. However, we still have a choice, to choose to be with God or without God during this challenging time. We might want to take time to listen to the voice of God, the voice of the Lover. If we prefer to be away from the Lover, the voice of the Liar will take its place. The choice is still ours.

1 Corinthians 10:13

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

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