April 14th, 2021: A Few Interactions

"Have you got vaccinated?" Bird 1. 

"Have you heard about Herd Immunity?" Bird 2. 

"Which one comes first?" Bird 1. 

"Well, one you can decide. The other you have to wait." Bird 2.

"Which is which?" Bird 1.

"It depends on how long we are going to be around. I guess." Bird 2.

Just allow yourself to imagine a conversation you have with someone about vaccination. I think this is now one of the significant conversations people have. I learned recently that 38% or so of American marine members do not want to be vaccinated.

"Where are we going?" Goose 1.

"I don't know. I am just trying to catch up with the group." Goose 2.

"Where are they going?" Goose 1.

"The same place last year, I think." Goose 2.

"The same place? Many of us got shot down that way. You remember?" Goose 1

"We have two choices, get shot down or be frozen to death." Goose 2.

"How about a compromise?" Goose 1.

"You mean getting shot and didn't die so that we can lay there and be frozen to death eventually?" Goose 2.

Just allow yourself to imagine a conversation with someone about choices, life, and death. For some people, not being able to be vaccinated can be a death sentence. Others might believe that the meaning of life is about having their rights protected.

"Hey, it is me" Bird 1

"_______" Bird 2

"Are you mad at me?" Bird 1

"No, just practicing social distancing." Bird 2

"What? We are a couple, my dear!" Bird 1

"I know. But I am tired." Bird 2

"Tired of me or ___." Bird 1

"I DON'T KNOW." Bird 2

"So what are we doing here?" Bird 1

"We just flew. This place is our designated bird sanctuary for our quarantine. We have to pay to be where. We might get shot if we fly away. At least, we are not in a cage." Bird 2

"Oh boy. It is going to be fun." Bird 1

We need to consider the emotional and mental fatigue that many of us have experienced, so we might understand how that has impacted our relationships with others.

Psalm 32: 8

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;  I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."

Picture Courtesy of Donna Kennedy Glanz

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