April 16th, 2021: Looking Beyond the Data of The Day


Since March 2020, we have been bombarded with charts and graphs to describe where we are in our fight against Covid-19. We became both intrigued and bewildered by what we see. We might be guilty of spending more time looking at these types of info more than praying. Watchman Nee once wrote:

"They spend more time in analyzing, in collecting materials, and in hard thinking than on prayer, on seeking God's mind, and on waiting for the power from above."

The temptation of seeking our own understanding has lessened our desire to depend on God for answers. We don't hear our leaders calling people to prayers. Our leaders talk about social distancing, standing together, and overcoming Covid-19 but no prayer.

Our dependence on scientific data of the day has undermined the spiritual insights of what we are encountering. Night after night, TV news from various networks would have medical experts expounding on what they see and understand. What happens to spiritual leaders? We have not heard much wisdom from them. They are as divided as the people they lead.

Seeking God's mind requires a lot more humility and discernment than what TV networks have portrayed in their broadcast. We cannot see God's mind if we have decided that He is irrelevant to what we are dealing with in our daily life. We hardly heard our political leaders make any reference to God while dealing with various challenging situations. 

1 Chronicle 16: 11

" Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always."

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