May 20th, 2021: Challenges in Working Remotely


Working remotely from home has become more and more acceptable as more businesses have kept their workers home. Some people have found it more helpful than others. Many have saved time and money by not having to travel to work. Others are struggling with it because there is no clear separation between home life and work. Some have worked long hours at home.

Working longer hours at home affects our physical health. The research seems to indicate that heart disease and stroke are the two culprits. More and more young people have gotten a stroke in recent years. Long working hours are not helping either.

Working for longer hours at home impacts our mental health. Regardless of what our technology has to offer, the feeling of isolation is a heavy one for many people. Some people find video meetings are exhausting. Mentally we can be so wasted after a day filled with Zoom meetings.

Working for longer hours at home damages our home life. "He is on the phone all time" is what some people have told me. It has become a lousy excuse for husband and wife to ignore one another. Young children don't understand why mothers cannot play when she is home.

It is unfair to blame Covid-19 for all of this. These types of behaviors existed long before Covid-19. Covid-19 has provided opportunities for them to become "normal" in our society. Self-discipline is seriously missing. We have become so good at making good things bad and making bad things acceptable.

So take a break. You might try to cook dinner for your kids or go for a walk with your wife. It does not hurt to listen to your favorite music. You could write people you love and miss. You might pray for things you don't understand. Most importantly, make sure you get your needed sleep.

Isaiah 5: 20

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;

Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;

Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

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