June 18th, 2021: Reliable Communication


I am not anti-vaccination, but I am a bit confused by health officials in this country. It seems to us that they constantly change the vaccination plan. The idea of mixing different drugs between the two shots is somewhat perplexing. I am not a scientist, so I am not going to say that it won't work. However, we are often told by doctors that we should not mix our medications. We treat vaccination shots like to way we create "fusion food".

Many people in the US and Canada have become indifferent toward the messages given by medical experts because they perceive them as being unreliable. Communication has to be trustworthy. It will be ignored and dismissed, otherwise.

Maybe this is the first time we see how unhelpful things can be when we mix our politics and our action plan to deal with a severe health crisis. Let us hope that our politicians and health officials learn this lesson. We cannot mobilize our nations to deal with a common thread by starting with the basis that divides us. A sports team always performs less than its capability when the spirit of its dressing room is in disarray.

I shared with a friend who is anti-vaccination recently that God has given us the privilege to partake with Him in the ongoing creation. Our study of science is one of those venues. Our ways of treating our animal feeds, our use of chemicals to treat our corps, our heart and stroke medications, our water treatment, and many more are examples of this. Yes, nothing is perfect because we live in a broken world. However, it doesn't mean that many men and women who have worked tirelessly to discover different vaccines are all evil in their intent. Let us be honest with our bias, so we might have the freedom to acknowledge other people's good work.

" An unreliable messenger stumbles into trouble, but a reliable messenger brings healing." - Proverbs 13:17

"Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish." - Proverbs 18:13

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