Aug 31st, 2021: Psalm 51: verse 2


Now let us look at the second verse of Psalm 51.

Blot out my transgressions.

Wash away all my iniquity

and cleanse me from my sin.

I touched base on these three words in one of my blogs in the past. So let us revisit them.

It is like going to an archery range to practice shooting some arrows. A target stands firmly in front of us and at a distance.

Transgression: we know where the target is, but we have no intention to aim at it. We have some other target ideas in mind, and that is where our arrows go. We struggle with our rebellion against God and His people. We know that God desires for us to serve one another. Yet, we have a different plan. Our aim in life is not about loving God. It is self-serving and destructive.

Iniquity: It does not matter how hard we aim at the target, our arrows can't go the distance to reach it. They felt flat on the meadow. We have experienced these moments in our lives as well. Sometimes we feel as if we are not good enough for God, our families, and our friends. We have great plans and a desire to do things with God. However, life events and their circumstances can deal us a big blow. We stand and look at the target. It seems to be so far away.

Sin: We aim at the target with all of our strength and effort. We make the distance but miss it. We know we have a good intention and understanding of God's plan for the world. We didn't make it because we just can't. We got discouraged because we realize that we have failed. Yet, we did not want to fail. We are now fighting between who we are and whom God desires for us.

King David went through all of these there conditions when asking God for mercy and compassion.

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