Oct 14th, 2021: Faces of Hatred
Hatred means intense dislike or ill will towards someone. It never means honest disagreement and frank conversation. We live in a time when labeling has become common practice. What is the purpose of talking to one another when we cannot express different opinions and thoughts freely? Nowadays, we have to be content with the Language Gestapo that will watch and listen to everything we say.
Abusive Languages: what does it mean? If someone doesn't feel good about what we say, does that mean we are abusive? If that is true, we can make a case about abusiveness concerning the contemporary press with its language and treatment towards Christians. We have been under attack for a while now, and no one seems to think that is abusive. The nature of languages is controversial and sometimes uncomfortable. That is how we express ideas, thoughts, and understanding.
Agreement Before Reasoning: this is another challenge we have to face in our time. Sometimes we cannot handle disagreements without passion. If we happen to disagree with someone, we might be called narrow-minded. We need to seek to understand before asking for being understood. We can learn to accept one another without having to agree on everything. It is confusing the way we use languages these days. We have no ideas what they mean at times.
Acceptance One Another: it is the language of the heart. We might want to look beyond our small world of self-interest to embrace the larger world of accepting one another despite our differences. It is not about hatred. It is about honesty in growing and learning together. Hatred is an expression of insecurity that we have carried through life. We need forgiveness and hope while learning how to value ourselves so we can overcome hatred towards others. Accepting one another depends on our readiness to receive the promise of forgiveness from God.
Isaiah 43: 26
"“Put Me in remembrance, let us argue our case together;
State your cause, that you may be proved right."
Luke 10: 27
"And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
Proverbs 10: 12
"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."