Dec 20th, 2021: Hiding from God

This verse has been in my heart and mind lately.

"The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost." - Luke 19:10

How often do we think about the fact that God is seeking us? Why does he need to seek us? When our children play "hide and seek", they have to hide first before we find them. Is that true that we are hiding from God? If it is, how do we do that?

A) We hide from God by denying our brokenness. We might acknowledge our human predicament but believe that we can find the answers for ourselves. We do this by claiming that we are OK and nothing is wrong with us. We go about our broken lives with the proclamation of the new normalcy.

B) We hide because we are scared that we do not want others to know us. We might feel incredibly naked when God finds us. Adam and Eve hid from God because of the same fear. They experienced the separation from God for the first time. In some ways, we don't want Jesus to find us. Being exposed is scary for many of us.

C) We hide because we don't want to be accountable. We see politicians do that often. Some even use the pandemic as the reason to hide from the opposition party. Kids hide because they did something wrong. God seeks us because He wants us to be accountable for our lives. We then might understand forgiveness. 

Christmas is how God seeks out us out in Jesus. May we have the courage and the honesty to receive Him.


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