Jan 14th, 2022: Hugging
I am a hugger. COVID 19 really kills that joy. Honestly, I do not observe the 6 ft apart protocol while greeting my family members and close friends. I love to hug them. Something is warm and wonderful when we are able to do that.
We belong to one another. Hugging affirms the connection we have with people. Sometimes a hug can communicate something that we cannot put into words. We can communicate our feelings and thoughts meaningfully. We can really embrace the other person with all of the joy and hurt.
We invite one another into our life with a hug. Nothing can be more precious as an invitation than a hug. It expresses our acceptance and our comfort with one another. I love to hug babies and provide them with the safety and care they need.
We display our respect for one another with a hug. Football players do that often at the end of the game. They hug and tell the other player that he played well. It is about the acknowledgement of the accomplishment of the other person.
Belonging, invitation, and respect are different expressions of kindness. We learn how to protect, comfort, and challenge one another with that kindness.
So hug your loved ones and imagine a big hug from me.
Ephesians 4: 32
“Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."