Feb 22nd, 2022: Oppression
Now let us move to another tyrant, Vladimir Putin, who has ordered Russian troops to enter Ukraine in a "peace mission"" in Eastern Ukraine after claiming to acknowledge two separate regions. Ukraine's president did not accept any territorial concession with Russia.
We need to pray that a major war won't take place. It might appear impossible, but God will overcome deception and evil craftiness. We are left with two options when we pray. God will either change him or replace him.
We need to pray that the Ukrainian people will remain in unity in the face of oppression. War is an ugly business, and there will be plenty of suffering when that happens. We need to pray for protection and provision for the government leadership, the church and the people.
We need to pray that the people of Russia have the discernment to recognize the real reason why Putin wants to do this. Pray that they will also speak up and fight for the truth. Pray that people will speak on behalf of Ukraine within Russia.
Waiting for a war to happen is one of the worst human experiences in life. It has its realness and yet surreal feeling. It is unsettling. We need to pray for God's assurance among His people as they learn how to rest in Him.
Some of you might know that I have been working with Hart (Humanitarian Aid Response Team), a Christian Mission that works in Ukraine. Please pray for our brothers and sisters who have to be very resourceful about carrying our God's love and care in a rather challenging time. If you want to know more about this ministry, please use the link below.
Samuel 2:9
"He will protect his faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear in darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone."
Psalm 16:8-9
"I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure."