March 25th, 2022: Who is He?

Once upon a time, there was a man named Putin.

He appeared as if he was God with his own routine.

He raged war against his neighbour for no good reason.

He ended up trying to save his bacon.

His action did a disfavour to the people of Quebec.

Restaurants had to replace poutine with something with more respect.

He claimed that he had the support of his people.

They either had to choose him or to face something more lethal.

He wanted to restore the Glory of the former Soviet Union.

That was nothing more than his illusion.

He wanted to regain the power that Russia once had.

Russians wanted nothing of his crooked ironclad.

He needed to take a walk in a dog park in my city.

POO-TIN was the name of a waste depository.

There was nothing heroic about what he did.

Otherwise, people would not mention his name with canine sh_t.

How would he be remembered?

He was not much more than a deranged pretender.

His vision of himself and the world was so out of touch.

Russian people's hope and dream had been crushed.

"Do not act out of selfish ambition or conceit, but with humility think of others as being better than yourselves." - Philippians 2:3


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