June 30th, 2021: Dilemma in Loving

A young man told his girlfriend before he broke up with her that he will drive his truck as fast as he could and hit something if they are no longer together. He broke up with her soon after and got involved in a terrifying vehicle accident. He is now in ICU, and the young lady has no idea to discern how she feels or should feel. Victor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, therapist, and Holocaust survivor wrote about the triad of life: pain, guilt, and death. This young lady has experienced all of them. Pain: she was in love with him, and she was surprised by the breakup. It happened just a few days before her high school graduation. They were supposed to spend time together on that day. She hardly had the time to deal with it before she had to encounter the tragic news of his accident. She feels pain because she cares for him deeply and does not know what to do. It is the dilemma one has to deal with rejection from someone and the desire to be compassionate toward that ...